The Red Door Gallery is a free little art gallery in front of the Burns Visual Arts Society (BVAS) building. It is managed by members of BVAS. Most of the time the gallery is left open and people are encouraged to leave and take artworks.
From time to time, exhibitions are held in the gallery. During an exhibition, the door to the gallery will be locked. At the end of the exhibition, the art will be returned to the artist or left in the gallery to be traded, in keeping with the spirit of the Free Little Art gallery. Art is not for sale in this gallery.
Propose an Exhibit
We welcome exhibit proposals from school groups, senior’s groups and other community groups. Artworks must be 3-5 inches in size. There is room to show approximately 16 pieces in the gallery.
Proposals must include:
Group Name
Contact information
Exhibition theme
Art media (painting, drawing, textile, sculpture, mixed)
Number of artists
Number of pieces
Any events planned around exhibition
The artist or group exhibiting will be responsible for set up, take down, advertising and any events related to the exhibition (e.g. opening or closing reception). BVAS is also not responsible for artworks during an exhibition other than keeping the gallery locked. The gallery is on the street and while we have not encountered any vandalism, we cannot guarantee the safety of art in the gallery.
Email proposals to burnsvisualartssociety@shaw.ca